Are you accustomed to your Super Bowl Sunday as a celebration of cheese puffs and pretzels? Looking to do something a little different this year? We don’t blame you. Super Bowl Sunday may have its traditions, but you don’t have to follow them to the letter.
If you’ve grown weary of the usual, put a twist on your food this year with the help of Lone Mountain Wagyu. We’ll help inspire you to turn the Super Bowl into a classy affair. Let’s look at some creative ways to upgrade your Super Bowl party and how they can make you the host with the most this year.
Fancy Dishes
Why not serve your hors d’oeuvres and entrees in something a little classier than simple bowls and plates? Even popcorn gets a makeover when served in a more ornate bowl.
Don’t fret about dragging out your fine china for Super Bowl Sunday, though. There are plenty of party companies that specialize in luxe-looking disposable partyware. Grab some plastic bowls and plates that look just like crystal, and your caramel popcorn and cheese balls will really pop on the coffee table. You’re sure to garner admiring looks!
Go Organic
This year, forgo the classic snacks (you know, the ones that come in a big jar or bucket) for a greener variety. Choose cheesy munchies made with real cheese, preferably of the organic variety. Try your hand at making your own rolls, buns, or pretzels using organic ingredients instead of buying a bag at the grocery store.
And while you’re on an organic kick, why not add more color to the table with fruits and veggies? Grab some organic celery, carrots, and other crudité classics. Instead of a simple plate with ranch in the middle, create a little football field of your own on a turf-green serving platter. Arrange carrots and celery sticks along the sides in the “bleachers,” while cherry tomatoes and broccoli can act as “players.” On the side, offer a selection of dips like ranch, dill, and blue cheese. With a visually stunning setup, you’ll encourage your guests to get their recommended serving of veggies as they watch the game!
Instead of grocery-store ground chuck and hot dogs, step up your meat game with some Wagyu beef from Lone Mountain Wagyu. Our cows are purebred and DNA certified, and we raise them humanely on an organic diet. Place that Wagyu beef sausage into a bun with confidence in its superior taste and all-natural origin.
Tasteful Decorations
Crepe garlands and partyware festooned with team logos are all well and good, but why not put a grown-up spin on the décor this year? Use your team’s colors as inspiration and go for an upscale version of your usual aesthetic.
You can easily find classy, disposable plates and napkins in any color at your local party supply store. Use a tablecloth in the darker of your team’s colors (think navy blue, crimson, dark green—whichever one applies). Then pull out party plates and disposable flatware in the lighter color (white, yellow, or whichever color applies).
Arrange your buffet table both artfully and strategically, with flatware and plates at the beginning. Your upscale serving bowls and platters will add luxury to a casual and boisterous party.
Make a Cozy Space
You and your guests will likely spend the majority of the party parked in front of the TV. What does your couch situation look like right now?
Clean your couch and any other comfy chairs thoroughly before guests arrive, taking care to vacuum out any crumbs between the cushions. Cozy it up with a few extra pillows and plenty of blankets. (For this occasion, put away the scratchy cross-stitched pillows and go for plumper, fluffier varieties).
Haven’t got enough blankets? Pick up one or two inexpensive throws, or make your own with soft fleece in your team’s colors. It’s a perfect way to incorporate your team spirit into the décor!
Make sure your coffee table and any side tables are easily accessible. If you’re not a fan of rings on the table, set out a big stack of coasters (themed or otherwise) and encourage your guests to use them. That extra effort and focus on manners will add class to your party!
Elevate the Food (and Drinks)
The Super Bowl isn’t just an occasion to watch TV with your buddies. It’s also a great opportunity to catch up with friends and loved ones while you break bread together and share an experience.
We’ve discussed the perks of buying organic entrees and snacks. They’re healthier for you and your guests, and they also elevate the party experience. When you serve more upscale versions of regular Super Bowl fare, your guests will take notice and appreciate your extra effort. It’ll feel like a real party, not just a hangout!
Your meat-eating guests will arrive expecting classics like hot dogs and burgers. Treat them to a Wagyu feast! The extra fat content adds a unique flavor to the meat. When they bite into that slider or hot dog, they’ll notice and appreciate the difference.
What’s a Super Bowl party without beer? Make sure you’re stocked up before your friends and family arrive. While you may be tempted to pick up a rack of the cheap stuff, consider a craft beer instead. Plenty of stores that sell alcohol have a wide range of craft beers, including variety packs and mix-and-match options.
Don’t forget about your guests who don’t drink, though. Treat them to a selection of fancy sodas, like bottled root beer and cream soda. You can even put a nostalgic twist on them by offering vanilla ice cream for a classic float.
This Super Bowl Sunday, put a little extra oomph into the party atmosphere by adding class to the different elements. From decorations to partyware to the food itself, you’ve got plenty of room to elevate the affair. When you treat your guests to delectable foods and a cozy spot in front of the TV, they’ll be sure to ask you what you’re doing for next year’s party. With the help of Lone Mountain Wagyu, these creative ways to upgrade your Super Bowl party will turn a rowdy afternoon into an occasion to savor and remember.